Tuesday, May 20, 2014

10 Things I'm Thankful For!

Oops, I forgot to do this last week! But that's okay right???

1. My beautiful garden. Tulips, hyacinth, and azaleas are blooming!

2. Sunshine, it has been so sunny (sometimes chilly but the sun is out) and might even hit 80 in a few days!

3. Massages every month, I wish it was weekly but beggars can’t be choosers!

4. Exclamation marks!!! They so adequately express how I feel about things I’m grateful for.

5. Gatorade – an integral part of getting me back into a healthy state.

6. Skincare! After being sick all last week my skin needed a serious mask and this Coconut Ultra Hydrating Shae Butter Mask was just what the doctor ordered.

7. Icy Hot – yes, icy hot. Hubby has been playing a lot of sports and that’s the only thing keeping him moving.

8. Long walks…in the woods…with my dog!

9. A hot husband…literally. I’m always freezing at night and he’s just the opposite. After some grumbling he always lets me cuddle close to steal his warmth.

10. My momma…she was on vacation and coming home today. I missed her so much!

So what are YOU thankful for?

Let me know in the comments down below! And
while you're at it, check out A Kaleidoscopic Dream and Sewlicious Home Decor for
amazing posts, amazing friends!





  1. Aww this is so sweet! I love the pics! Snyper is so cute! I too enjoy using the exclamation mark!!! lol

  2. I love these types of posts! I miss my momma dearly and wish she was still with us. You enjoy every minute u can with yours!!!! I wanted to follow your blog but I can't find a place to follow on my phone. :/
    Anyways great blog girl!!!!

    1. Hi Julie! I really try to cherish every moment. We live very close so it's easy to just say oh I'll see her later, but we have to focus on making every moment count!
      Hmm not sure if the mobile site is perhaps different. There is a follow by email option on desktop. Or you can follow on BlogLovin'. are you on that?
      I'll check out your blog today!
